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Training Opportunities

Over the past year, TSC has increased the training opportunities for club members and have numerous courses arranged for the winter season. Full details are on the website calendar and in brief below. If you are interested in any of the opportunities below, please get in touch.

RYA Sail Training - Level 1 & 2 (click here for more)

Aimed at those that are new too sailing or wish to refresh themselves after a period of being a land lubber.

On completion you will have a good basic sailing ability & knowledge. You will be capable of leaving and returning to the slipway safely. You will be able to sail successfully on all points of sailing in light winds and be confident sailing to & from any point. We will also ensure you can right the boat after a capsize. If there is time we will also have a fun race around a simple course. RYA Level 2 is the basis from which to develop your sailing and leads nicely into the Familiarisation sessions and the Challenge series. A Level 2 certificate means you can hire out the Club boats.

The following training is in the planning stage and will be publicised on the calendar once dates are confirmed.

RYA First Aid

Aimed at RIB Helms / Crew and OOD/AOD but all are welcome to attend.

The RYA First aid course covers areas including drowning, cold water shock, sea sickness dehydration and hypothermia and well as all the usual breathing, bleeding, break and burns incidents.

Safety Boat Training

Aimed at all those that carry our RIB duties in either capacity. Topics covered:

  • MOB recovery techniques
  • Dinghy recovery
  • Inversions
  • Towing
  • Safety Considerations ( positioning, danger areas etc)

RYA Power Boat Level 2

Aimed at those members that wish to carry out the duty of RIB Helm.

This in depth course covering boat handling, planing speed manoeuvres, man overboard recovery and collision regulations, is the most popular course within the RYA Powerboat Scheme as it introduces people to powerboating in close quarters but also at high speed.

Day Skipper Theory

Aimed at those that wish to cruise, either in Yachts or dinghies.

The basics of seamanship,essentials of coastal navigation, pilotage, chartwork, position fixing, plotting a course to steer, electronic navigation, weather forecasting and meteorology, tides and tidal streams, collision regulations, lights and shapes, cruising boat construction, parts and equipment, emergency and safety procedures, Life-jackets, harnesses and when to use them

Short Range Certificate

Aimed at those that will operate VHF Radios.

This 1 day Short Range Radio Certificate (VHF) is the minimum qualification required by law, for the operation of personal VHF and Digital Selective Calling (DSC) VHF radios in the UK. The club radios are covered by a club licence.

You will cover topics like:

  • routine operation of marine VHF radio including Digital Selective Calling
  • the correct VHF channels (frequencies) used for each type of communication
  • distress, emergency, and medical assistance procedures
  • ship-to-shore communication
  • practical use of Marine VHF DSC radios
  • Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
  • Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRB)
  • Search and Rescue Transponders (SART)

During the course, you will use training radio sets and spend as much time as possible using them.For those courses that there is a fee, it is considerably lower than taking the course in a commercial setting.

Last updated 07:42 on 19 December 2024

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