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  • 1471841 300x225f

    Club Week 2024

    The Club Week timetable has just been published : )1465847:newtarget( Full details are available on the dedicated page on the website. Places can be pre-booked and paid for here . Individual and family tickets for the whole week or single days can be bought. Come along for a week full of sailing, fun, games, music and other shenanigans.

    Published 20:19 on 13 Jul 2024

  • 1444857 300x225f

    TSC Regatta 2024

    This year's Thornbury Sailing Club Regatta will be held on the 27th & 28th July 2024. The event is an open event for Fast & Slow dinghy handicap classes, YW Dayboats and Cruisers First start is scheduled for 11:15 on the 27th. It will be great to get as many club members out racing and will also be great to get as many visitors from other clubs so spread the word.

    Published 19:31 on 12 Jun 2024

  • 1378271 300x225f

    Safety Boat Training - April 20 & 21

    We are running free Safety Boat training for TSC members in Bristol docks over the weekend of 20 and 21 April 2024, in parallel to the sail training course. Click here to find out more ...

    Published 10:07 on 11 Mar 2024

  • 1351573 300x225f

    Sail Training 2024

    We are all set for this year's Sail Training in Bristol Harbour. We have 30 slots available for the RYA Level 1 & 2 Course , which will follow the format from the last couple of years. If you, a family member, or friend are interested, don't leave it too late, the course is always very popular and you don't want to risk missing out! The course

    Published 10:32 on 22 Jan 2024

  • 1328533 300x225f

    Club Week & Regatta Dates 2024

    The key dates for 2024 are: - Club Week: 12-16th August - Regatta - 27-29the July See you there!

    Published 17:05 on 29 Nov 2023

  • 1256457 300x225f

    NEXT Better Sailing Clinics - Race Strategy & Boat Control

    We have 2 more Better Sailing Clinics lined up, either end of club week. Better Sailing Clinic: Race Strategy ( more ... ) Steve Hobbs and Rhys Lancaster will be running this session, which will look at: typical courses at TSC understanding the impact of tide and wind direction starting techniques in tidal water Sunday July 30th - Better Sailing Clinic:

    Published 16:32 on 22 Jul 2023

  • CLUB WEEK 2023

    This year's Club Week is between Monday 24th to Friday 28th July. It will be a similar format with sailing, games, crafts, food and more. The itinerary is given below. Those familiar with Club Week will recognise the layout and the popular events that cannot be done without. The week starts off on the Sunday with a Boat Jumble, Club Week Registration, and a briefing by the committee concerning the proposed

    Published 07:51 on 12 Jul 2023

  • 1240017 300x225f

    Next clinic = Boat Set-up

    The first of our new series of Better Sailing Clinics was a great success on Saturday. Tim Webber's session on sail trim was excellent, I certainly learned a lot and managed to put it into practice in the racing afterwards. This week, on Sunday 2nd July, Barry Smith is going to be taking us through how to set up your boat better. For more info check out Facebook

    Published 21:36 on 26 Jun 2023

  • 1237883 300x225f

    Better Sailing Clinic - Sail Trim

    We are running the first of our new programme of sailing clinics at Challenge 5 on Saturday 24 June, which will run in parallel with the racing. Tim Webber and family will be taking us through how sails work and how to rig/trim your sails for the conditions. The session is aimed at anyone who is keen to improve their sailing. If you feel you already know about sail trim, it would be great

    Published 16:37 on 22 Jun 2023

  • Regatta and YW Day Boat Open Hog Roast

    Published 16:26 on 12 Jun 2023

  • 1211919 300x225f

    Challenge Series - new developments

    Hi everyone We have given some careful thought to the Challenge Series and how it can be better used to develop our sailing at TSC. We have come up with 2 ideas, which will run for Challenge 5 to 10 and which we hope will help. Fleet prizes There will be a new Gold, Silver, Bronze fleet system for the Challenge Series, which we hope will give new and less

    Published 14:08 on 17 May 2023

  • 1103197 300x225f

    Day Skipper Course Mentoring

    NOTE: THIS OFFER IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO CLUB MEMBERS. Alex Hutton is a club member and an experienced yachtsman being both a RYA Ocean Yachtmaster and a Cruising Instructor. As a Cruising Instructor he can qualify candidates as RYA Day Skippers or RYA Competent Crew, but as this can only be delivered through an RYA Registered Training Centre and TSC does NOT hold this certification, he is not

    Published 09:35 on 5 Oct 2022

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