About the Club
Thornbury Sailing Club is a true sailing community. Founded in 1949 by local sailing enthusiasts, members built and maintain every aspect of the club: the clubhouse, the slipway, the floating jetty and club boats are all the manifestation of our continuing commitment to the club.
The club is member run and managed, we elect a Commodore, Vice-Commodore, and Committee which is responsible for running the club.
We are a very active, friendly, and welcoming club with a wide range of sailing and social events. This includes:
- RYA Sail Training for novices and complete beginners
- Challenge Series with sail training and racing practice for improvers
- Regular race series catering for fast, slow and cruiser fleets, long distance race events, pursuit races, and winter cruiser series
- Annual Club Week with young people's sailing and fun activities
- Free sailing days for more relaxed shared sailing
- Social activities and dinners
- Regular newsletters and an active web site with members' forums
- Good facilities including our club house with changing rooms and showers, galley and bar, secure locked dinghy compound, car park and hard standing for cruisers,concrete slipway, cruiser moorings, floating jetty and floating moorings
The Severn offers a wide range of sailing experience with its vast expanse of water and strong tides, making it inspiring both for complete starters and very experienced sailors. We are a safe and competent club; all sailing events are accompanied by two RIB power boats with competent trained crew who are in constant radio contact with the race officer box on shore. On the site you can find details of our sailing programme, results and other notices about the club.
We welcome new members, click here to find out about joining.
Please get in touch by using the contact tab on the homepage Contact . Or see us on Facebook.
We look forward to welcoming you to the club and to the great enjoyment of sailing on the river Severn.
Last updated 15:19 on 8 March 2024