eNews - March 2022

Published 00:00 on 1 Mar 2022
The 2022 sailing season is fast approaching, it is time to start getting ready for a fun filled calendar of events both on and off the water.
Anchors Aweigh Supper
Our season kicks of with the Anchors Aweigh Supper on Saturday 19 th March. Click here to find out more and details to book your supper it promises to be a cracking night, so don't miss out.
There is busy social programme planned for 2022, make sure you check the website and the TSC Facebook page regularly, so you know what's coming up.
2022 Sailing Programme
The Sailing Programme is on the website. Please get your diary out, take a look at the calendar on the website and get involved as much as you can.
As well as the usual racing, there are some new elements this season to look out for:
Challenge Series - the series is a new idea, which we hope will offer all members a great opportunity to sail together outside the established racing calendar. While the focus will be on improving our sailing, in terms of sailing skills, boat set-up and local conditions, the key to success will be social, with an emphasis on building friendships and having a good time.
Familiarisation Sessions we are running 4 sessions to help introduce newer members to the joys and challenges of sailing at TSC. Sessions include:
- Tidal sailing
- Introduction to racing
- Racing rules and tactics
- Cruising on the Severn
The sessions are part of the sail training course, but are open to all members, so please come along.
Storm damage & the requirement to tie down your boat
Following the recent storms all members with boats kept at TSC are strongly encouraged to check that they have not sustained any damage, or more importantly, caused damage to another boat.
Dudley, Eunice, and Franklin, were certainly impressive and the aftermath left several dinghies flipped in the boat park. Even some of the smaller cruisers, on trailers that were not adequately shocked, were moved by the force of the wind.
It is important to remember that it is every member's responsibility to ensure that their boats are secured appropriately. Typically this means tying them down to ground anchor points and lowering the mast before gales hit.
It is good to see that so many people follow this advice and it is unfortunate that the shear strength of the wind overpowered some boats that did seem to be tied down reasonable well. However, it is shocking to see the number of boats that were not tied down at all, we need to do better in this regard.
Prize Giving
The 2022 Trophies will be awarded on Saturday 23 April, after the Familiarisation 2 session. Please come down to support.
Club Night this Thursday
Club Night is at 8pm on the first Thursday of the month in the TSC bar. It is a great opportunity to socialise with fellow sailors and to keep up to date with the running of the club.
The next Club Night is on Thursday 3rd March, so why not come down. The club business usually takes about 20 minutes, then it's time for a chat over a drink or 2.
It has been good to see so many members taking part in the cruiser Frostbite series. Crews have been assembled from across the club with lots of opportunities to get involved.
We have had a wide range of conditions and some excellent racing. The races have been run using the 90 minute pursuit race format and personalised handicaps. This has proved to be very popular and leads to some close racing as the time runs out, as shown by five races giving us five different race winners; Mercenary, First Time, Anitra, Temujin and Orsino.
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter, we hope to see you at the club very soon.
The Committee
Last updated 22:47 on 6 December 2024