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Home / News / CLUB WEEK 2023
Home / News / CLUB WEEK 2023


Published 08:51 on 12 Jul 2023

This year's Club Week is between Monday 24th to Friday 28th July. It will be a similar format with sailing, games, crafts, food and more.

The itinerary is given below. Those familiar with Club Week will recognise the layout and the popular events that cannot be done without.

The week starts off on the Sunday with a Boat Jumble, Club Week Registration, and a briefing by the committee concerning the proposed Balcony / Sundeck for the Club House - all in the Marquee.

Also on Sunday is a BYO BBQ. We'll supply the charcoal, you supply the burnt offerings.

During the week various charities will be supported, so please bring along spare change for worthwhile causes.

An eclectic mix of live music will be performed throughout the week.

The Port of Bristol Shanty on Tuesday ( are supporting the charity Teenage Cancer Trust.

Fran O'Connell with her multi-talented tribe (!) will be keeping us on our toes with a Ceilidh - which shouldn't be too vigorous and will suite all ages.

The week ends on the Friday with Tom Beard and "The Narwhal Monument" (don't ask) with a mix of 60's soul, Reggie and Ska influences.

Treasure Hunt

The Treasure Hunt will be of the form of picture clues of the locations of the "treasures". They will be located in and around the club grounds and local footpaths - and all within walking distance. The Treasure Hunt will be going on all week. This will allow everyone time to take it at their own pace. The treasures contain various toys, knick-knack and tokens for sweets (exchangeable in the galley).

Each treasure box has a logbook. The object of the treasure hunt is to sign as many of the logbooks as you can find to win the bonus treasure-chest.

Dog Show

Jane is having a much needed rest this year so the dog show this year will be organised by Jen and Jeff Gash. This is great fun and involves dogs of all breeds and abilities - including their owners - competing in a variety of events.

Catch-a-Duck / Sail-a-Duck

Spread over two days, we are making use again of the 14ft paddling pool. First part will be to fabricate a device to catch a small plastic duck of your choice. You may use various equipment provided - or use your own. Each duck will have a handicap based on ease of capture....

The next day will be to sail your duck from one end of the pool to the other. Again, craft material and equipment will be available to construct a vessel that can transport you duck - similar to last year's Egg-Race.

Quiz Night

Will have a variety of weird and wonderful rounds. Hosted by Wendy Davies and Mark Parrot. Those who attended last year will have some idea of what to expect!

RNLI Visit

On Thursday Evening, the RNLI will arrive to give a talk in the club-house with an opportunity to ask questions and discuss water-safety and equipment such as EPIRB, PLB etc.

Tug O'War
Sav's Infamous Tug of War can't be missed.


Last updated 22:47 on 6 December 2024

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