Day Skipper Course Mentoring

Published 10:35 on 5 Oct 2022
Alex Hutton is a club member and an experienced yachtsman being both a RYA Ocean Yachtmaster and a Cruising Instructor. As a Cruising Instructor he can qualify candidates as RYA Day Skippers or RYA Competent Crew, but as this can only be delivered through an RYA Registered Training Centre and TSC does NOT hold this certification, he is not able to offer courses. However, given that there are plenty of people expressing an interest in conducting the Day Skipper Theory training (either online or in person), he has kindly offered to mentor any members through this process, if they would like some support.
The scale and range of the theory courses can be a little daunting as you make the step from dinghies to cruising and perhaps beyond, so the offer is there to talk people through the process and perhaps help with some of the homework (a second perspective or different approach to problem-solving can always be helpful) or talk through the practical assessment. Alex is happy to do this on his own time in order to further the skills of the members. No payment required, although an occasional cold cider at the bar always goes down well and some reciprocal advice on racing a Wayfarer is always appreciated.
Please be clear, though, do not expect either a fast track or bypass to a qualification this is neither of those things; just an opportunity for some support if the content appears a lot to take in at first look.
Last updated 22:47 on 6 December 2024